There is so much hype around supporting our people during maternity leave, and that is for good reason. The first few weeks of a baby’s life are arguably some of the hardest that a mom ever experiences. Moms are inevitably dealing with sleep deprivation that likely started long before baby even arrived due to discomfort with their growing bodies, exploding bladders, and for some, increasing anxiety around all the baby preparations.
If you are going through infertility and fertility treatments, you have likely experienced a range of confusing emotions and wondered if it’s normal. You’re not alone. In some ways, it can feel lonely and isolating. Others may feel uncomfortable talking to you about it, or vice versa. It may be consuming your thoughts, or you may be avoiding thinking about it at all costs. The ups and downs can be disorienting. My hope is to normalize some of these emotions and send some comfort your way.
Making the decision to become a parent can be exhilarating and a journey filled with joy. However, now more than ever parents, particularly mothers and birthing folx, face assumptions of motherhood/parenthood that masquerade as truths.
I’m not sure how far into motherhood I was when I first heard the term, “A mother is born.” To be honest, my experience into motherhood didn’t feel like I was born. While I was more in love with my baby than I thought was ever possible, it still felt more like something in me was lost- it felt more like a death than birth. The more I work with new mothers and now being almost a decade into the motherhood journey, I have some understanding of this experience.
If you and your partner have recently welcomed home a new bundle of joy, first congrats! Second, I sincerely hope the two of you are adjusting to being new parents or parents again (and I’m also sending thoughts of rest and good sleep). Physical intimacy might be one of the furthest things from either of your minds right now – I’m looking at you, you sleep-deprived parents or new mommas who are breastfeeding – but, there will come a time when you and your partner are ready to explore physical intimacy again.
You did it, momma. You carried this little life for 9 months, went to countless appointments, and labored for hours (or not if you’re one of the lucky ones) and now you are holding a little one in your arms. Many people will give you all the advice about how to care for baby and what to do once they are here, but often don’t tell you how to care for yourself once baby is here. The moment that little one arrives, your hold world becomes about them and it is easy for you to forget to care for yourself. Sometimes, it’s not that you don’t want to, but truly feel like you are unable to.
I was recently asked, “When does life start to feel more normal after having children, and when will I begin to start feeling like myself again?” It’s such a typical question, yet I was unsure how to respond. In truth, the answer is “never,” but when you are in the newborn trenches that answer can be difficult to hear.
Mom guilt, let’s talk about it! As a counselor who often works with both children and adults, this subject comes up often. Every parent who enters my office after their child has been seen has a look of anxiety.